Workshop MSRG

"Scientific research should be one of the top priorities of institutes aiming at improving the quality of healthcare. Promotion of the concept of scientific research would raise a generation of healthcare givers who are aware of the most updated techniques, methodologies, and evidence based practices."




This page contain an ongoing history of the MSRG session. Links below are for previous posts regarding each session including: online assessment, photos and insights.

Call for applications

Evidence Based Minds

Orientation Day (Session A)
     MSRG rules of eligibility to apply for the Grants
     Ground Rules

Research 101 (Session B1)

Research 101 (Session B2)

Research 101 (Session B3)

Pictures of the MSRG

Research 101 (Session B4)

Research 101 (Session B5) Lecture 8 - Lecture 9

Statistics 101 (Session C1)

Statistics 101 (Session C2)

Statistics 101 (Session C3)

Statistics 101 (Session C4)

Statistics 101 (Session C5)

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